
Holidays are considered in Skyware to be specific dates (of your choosing) to be recognized as different by the system. This is managed via the Holidays maintenance screen. There is a wealth of daily holidays and special days to use as possibilities, you may wish to simply add federal holidays or include locally observed occasions too. Dates designated as Holidays in your system show up on the Room Availability chart and the Quick Quote screen in PINK, indicating that there is something different about the date at your Property. Hovering the mouse over the date in question will bring up a screen tip describing what the holiday is (as entered on the Holiday maintenance screen description field). For example, if your town hosts an annual festival, the holiday might be listed as "Food festival". You may also use this function to indicate special occasions affecting your property only - for example, if an event at your property will mean certain facilities are not available, you may choose to assign a holiday on specific dates called "Ice Rink closed" or "Indoor Soccer League".

This makes the Holiday function of Skyware a useful tool for ensuring that your staff are aware of upcoming events or occasions affecting your property when viewing your availability regarding reservations.

This selection is part of the Property and System Configuration area of Skyware. You may edit the configuration to suit your property at any time if you have the appropriate access/authorization.



Date Updated February 24, 2022